Aion Guides
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Aion Guides

Aion Guides

Aion guides are going to be the first thing released when Aion comes out officially this late summer. The guides we will start having first of all are going to be ones to help new players learn the ropes of the game. They will mainly consist of things such as how to built the perfect character. What are the pros and cons of different items in the game. And how to level your player as soon as possible.

Shortly after we are going to have a wealth of information on certain hard to do quests in the game, these guides will help you know how to kill certain quest mobs and how to easily get around the game as quick as possible. Keep in mind these are not going to be secrets in the game but merely better ways for players to help level themselves and get a better understanding of the game. Also with the upcoming guides we are going to have plenty of leveling guides so then you can use those aion leveling guides to make your experience all the easier in the game.

Keep in mind these aion guides are going to just be the ones that are released pre release and during the beta. Once we get more information on the game and new things are released we will have a much larger gaming experience for players to help players enjoy the game all the more.

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