Darkfall Online Guides – DFO Guides – Darkfall Guides
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Darkfall Online Guides – DFO Guides – Darkfall Guides

Darkfall Online Guides DFO Guides Darkfall Guides

So going to start this blog out talking a little about Darkfall online and the new guides we are after if you want to join. Well first and foremost Darkfall online is a new game so making guides should be easy. Its a brand new world and hundreds of thousands of players and if all goes well millions of people will be playing this game. Darkfall online guides we want should be one of the 3 forms.

The first and the most sought after DFO Guide is going to be guides on the leveling of the game. Its pretty easy just make a guide for how you leveled around 5 levels. Be sure to make in depth. Saying go here kill that and level up is not good enough. Put in pictures of the mobs to kill, tell specific cords for movements, include extra info on quests if they are in there.

The second type of DFO Guide that would help the site is going to be in the form of leveling spots. IE saying a specific location that has a mob that is on an instant spawn or can be killed easily. This allows users to hit a higher level easily.

The final type of Darkfall Online guides that would help us and members are quest and pvp guides. IE how to siege a certain style of castle, or maybe a guide on how to do harder quests in the game. With these things players will be able to enjoy playing the game much more and not having to fret with the unknown for a specific local.

So there ya go on Darkfall Online guides. This should be something that hopefully will help members in their gaming experience and all in all help you get premium if you are after it or help current members learn what they can share to help others.

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