World of Warcraft Bots – The Full Story of WOWGlider
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World of Warcraft Bots – The Full Story of WOWGlider

World of Warcraft Bots

Well if you havent been online in the past few years then you dont know anythin about world of warcraft bots. However we are going to assume you do know a little bit about them and we are going to tell you all about the WOW bots currently out there and what has happened to them.

The first major world of warcraft bot out there is the one by mmoglider formerly known as wowglider. wowglider actually took its source code from the first wow bot creator wowsharp. All he did was reword the bot and make it running again because it was an open source bot then he sold it as his own. Then after a time the world of warcraft bot owner mercury decided that he should put in some anti botting technology and he actually used the works of a botter known as innerspace.

The two of them together shared their profits for awhile then they in turn where both formerly served a notice by blizzard stating that they need to shut down their bot or they will be sued for copyright infringement. Mercury decided to take the first step and attempted to sue blizzard in court to stop them from ever harassing him. However this plan backfired on mercury.

Keep in mind before the filing by mercury everyone told him he needs to move his product overseas and attempt to sell it in another country which has laws that are more lax to computers and in turn he could easily escape all the hassle of a lawsuit. Mercury was somewhat narrow minded in his decision and felt nearly unstopable and he went right for the heart of blizzard in his lawsuit.

Blizzard decided to create a counter suit and sued mercury for over 6 million dollars for violation their EULA and in term they claimed it ruined thier gaming environment. The court eventually decided in the favor of blizzard over the course of a few months and glider was forced to shut down. Glider then had 2 tries to actually appeal the case but both where denied they do have a final one that should come about later this year but it is very unlikely it will happen.

Blizzard as well tried to go after the creator of innerspace. The creator of innerspace was lucky and the court ruled him safe and blizzard could not go after him legally. He then decided to quite most everything he was doing in relation to botting and his site is maintained now by a few people.

All in all mercury owes blizzard 6.5 million dollars and he is trying to say that since he had only a few employees and paid himself as one that the court can not hold him personally responsible and he owes nothing to blizzard, but this attempt seems like a long shot and he is going to loose a large amount of his personal possessions.

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